I think it’s true that we make time for the things and people we love – a meal with a loved one; an hour at the gym; watching our favourite team. And so as Christians, that this, those who have Jesus Christ as Lord, we should want to spend time with him, reading his word and spending time in prayer. Yet so often, we simply can’t find the time or the energy to do either.
The bible is full of examples of prayer: long and short, private and corporate, urgent and patient etc but perhaps the most famous prayer is the prayer that Jesus himself gave when his disciples asked him how to pray; a prayer that we know as the Lord’s Prayer.
On the third Monday of each month at 8.00pm for one hour, we meet as a Church to understand, one line at a time, this magnificent prayer. During this hour we also give thanks for all that God is doing in us and through us and commit our work to him.
Please come along and join us. You won’t be asked to pray aloud (if you want to that would be great); in fact the only requirement is that you come – everything else is optional!
Hope to see you soon.