Posts from January 2015

Well done Sulivan school!

The most recent performance tables have shown Sulivan as “amongst the 100 top performing schools in the U.K.” In a letter from Rt Hon David Laws MP, Minister of State for Schools,  Sulivan is congratulated  for being “exceptionally effective in educating its pupils”.  The school as been commended for the rate of progress children make and thanks  Miss…

Our Lent Course

Easter is early this year and so our Monday evening Lent course will begin on Monday 23rd February at 7.45pm in the church. We will be using Mike McKinley’s new book – The Resurrection In Your Life (click here for more details). We would love you to join us as we prepare for Easter. Please…

10 out of 10 people die

There are very few certainties in life, but death is one of them. Please take a look at this short clip – it might just turn your world upside down! If you would like to know more, please drop our vicar, William an e-mail (